Thursday, August 22, 2024

Nurses Choice Recommended Reading - August 2024


In Recommended Reading for Nurses, we offer access to the hottest topics in nursing and healthcare, as well as other “must-read” content.

Reporting on Neurological Decline as Identified by Hourly Neuroassessments
Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, August 2024

Care of the Patient With an Artificial Airway
Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, July/August 2024

Privacy-Preserving Cameras for Fall Detection: Data Acquisition for Artificial Intelligence
CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, July 2024

Support over comfort: Inspiring confidence in Gen Z nursing students
Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!, July/August 2024

Catheter-associated urinary tract infection prevention: Implementation of a multimodal and evidence-based education program
Nursing Management, July 2024

Travel medicine updates for the NP
The Nurse Practitioner, July 2024 

An Online Module to Promote Self-Care and Resiliency in Nursing Students
Nursing Education Perspectives, July/August 2024

Cardiogenic Shock
Critical Care Nursing Quarterly, July/September 2024

Is YouTube a Useful Source of Information on Pressure Injuries? A Content, Reliability, and Quality Analysis
Advances in Skin & Wound Care, July 2024

Implementing the Brøset Violence Checklist in the ED
American Journal of Nursing, July 2024

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 Michele Matucheski        Kellee Selde

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