Friday, August 23, 2024

Q: Do we have access to ACOG Practice Bulletins?


Question: Do we have access to clinical practice guidelines and/or bulletins from ACOG?  It says I need to be a member to access them ... 

Answer: YES!  Many of the ACOG practice guidelines and bulletins are published in the ACOG professional journal,  Obstetrics & Gynecology.  We have a statewide subscription for this journal through Ovid. This way, you do NOT need to be an ACOG member to access the guidelines published in the journal.  

You can see the list of ACOG's current titles under Clinical Guidance.  Although we do not have institutional access through the ACOG website, the list can help identify current titles.

Most of these are also indexed in PubMed as published in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology.

If you have need help in pulling the ACOG guidelines from the Ob/Gyn journal, contact Ascension Wisconsin Library Services.  We'll be glad to help you!

Questions, comments, or search requests, contact Your Ascension Wisconsin Librarians:

 Michele Matucheski   &   Kellee Selden

Our AW Library website is available 24/7. 

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