Thursday, May 23, 2024

Nurses Choice Recommended Reading - May 2024


May 2024

See what your fellow nurses are reading!
Browse this month's round-up of 10 top articles from Lippincott's prestigious list of nursing journals.

Nurse on the Move

It's better to give than receive: Nursing and community engagement
Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!, May/June 2024

Multiple Myeloma
Home Healthcare Now, May/June 2024

Effects of Oxygen Therapy on Patients with a Chronic Wound:
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Advances in Skin & Wound Care, May 2024

A Clinical Nurse Specialist in Home Healthcare
Clinical Nurse Specialist, May/June 2024

Text messaging support to enhance nurses' well-being and connectedness
Nursing2024 , May 2024

How Nurses Influence the Patient Experience
AJN: American Journal of Nursing, April 2024

Primary palliative care in the ICU
Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, April 2024

A HAPI prevention program: Eliminating hospital-acquired pressure injuries with four eyes
Nursing Management, April 2024

HPV education and vaccination uptake in college students
The Nurse Practitioner, April 2024

Improving Heart Failure Patient Engagement with Mobile Apps Using Nurse Navigators
Journal of Christian Nursing, April/June 2024

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 Michele Matucheski        Kellee Selde

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