Wednesday, May 29, 2024

AW Library Newsletter - May 2024

Ascension Wisconsin Librarians support your health care decisions with evidence-based research and full text resources.    

AW Library resources continue to be available as we recover from the recent cybersecurity incident.  In other words: AW Library resources are up and running even while EPIC is down.    

Contact us for research, articles, training, or online access.   Just ask!
  • The easiest way to find AW Library Services is to Google "Ascension Wisconsin Library."    

Catch up on the latest news from Ascension Wisconsin Library Services:

Less is More: The Day the EMR System Went Down

Questions, comments, or search requests, contact Your Ascension Wisconsin Librarians:

 Michele Matucheski   &   Kellee Selden

 Use the Request Form if you need research or articles.

Our AW Library website is available 24/7.

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