Monday, August 30, 2021

What to Say to Your Vaccine Hesitant Patients: A Doctor's 5 Tips from The Advisory Board


What to say to your vaccine-hesitant patients: A doctor's 5 tips

Amid research showing the overwhelming majority of Americans trust their personal doctors more than other health information sources, one physician, Chau Che, is advocating for a doctor-driven grassroots effort to convince patients to get vaccinated against Covid-19—and she offers her five-step, two-minute approach to do so.

    1. Acknowledge misinformation and your patient's apprehension.
    2. Remind your patient of your trusted relationship, and how they didn't take health advice from the news, friends, or internet before Covid-19 without a consultation, so why would they start now.
    3. Speak about your personal experience receiving the vaccine, and why you felt—and still feel—it was the best decision.
    4. If applicable, speak about your children and how you plan to vaccinate them as well.
    5. Come full circle, again acknowledging the patient's apprehension, but reminding them to have confidence that you, as their physician, have their best interest in mind.

Read the full story from The Advisory Board Daily Digest, August 24, 2021

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