Thursday, July 29, 2021

How do I Print a Short Overview Summary of a longer Dynamed Document?


Question: How do I print just the summary / overview section of a longer document from DynaMed?  


Figure 1: Use the print icon at the top of the page (Circled in red).

This will open a dialogue box asking you want sections you want to print:

Figure 2: Print Sections Dialogue Box

If you only want the Overview and Recommendations section, click that box (See snapshot Figure 2 above.) to print a short summary.

Figure 3: Print Preview displays number of pages to be printed.

  • In this example, choosing the Overview and Recommendations section only results in printing a 2-page document.

If you want to print the entire document, choose "Select All"  in Figure 2.

  • Be aware that selecting All Sections by default may result in printing more pages than you anticipated, since the Dynamed articles are comprehensive.    
  • In this example, selecting all sections to print results in 83 printed pages. [Yikes!]
If you need more than the Overview and Recommendations summary section, feel free to choose just the section you need rather than the entire document.

Helpful Links:

  • The User Guide will lead you through signing up for a personal account.  

DynaMed (Direct link)

DynaMed Off-Site or Remote Access (for Ascension users only)

DynaMed Search Tips

  • Includes info on signing up for a personal account.  

Questions? Contact Your Ascension Wisconsin Librarians

 Michele Matucheski   &   Kellee Selden

Monday, July 26, 2021

Unlocking the Mysteries of Long Covid


Wondering about the long term implications and sequelae of Long Covid?

The Atlantic published an article that delves into this very topic.

Read it here for free at The Atlantic.

O’Rourke M. Unlocking the Mysteries of Long COVID. Atlantic. 2021;327(3):28-39. Accessed July 26, 2021. Link to article via Badgerlink / EbscoHost.    

Brought to your attention by Ascension Wisconsin Librarians:
     Michele Matucheski  & Kellee Selden

Sunday, July 25, 2021

PubMed Update: Clinical Queries Usability Study and Interface Updates

PubMed Update: Clinical Queries Usability Study and Interface Updates

The PubMed Clinical Queries interface has been updated following a usability study to support user-friendly, efficient searching on clinical and disease-related topics. Clinical Queries currently includes filters for Clinical Studies and COVID-19 articles; the search strategies for these filters did not change in this update.

Clinical Queries Usability Study

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) recently conducted a usability study of the PubMed Clinical Queries interface to:

  • Explore user goals for conducting searches with Clinical Queries
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses of the original interface
  • Recommend improvements to help users search more confidently and efficiently when using PubMed Clinical Queries
  • Create a flexible page design that can adapt to and support emerging needs in the future, such as the addition of COVID-19 filters in fall 2020 (see PubMed Clinical Queries Update Coming Soon)

The usability study gathered input from librarians, clinicians, researchers, and other PubMed users through video interviews, hands-on testing, survey responses, and web analytics. Many thanks to the participants for sharing their time, feedback, and expertise to help improve PubMed!

Searching with PubMed Clinical Queries

Based on user feedback, the Clinical Queries interface (see Figure 1) has been streamlined to focus on one search category at a time, facilitate quick access to the full results in PubMed, and make supporting information about the filters and results more readily accessible. Please note, the Clinical Queries filters have not changed in this update; these filter search strategies are documented in the PubMed User Guide.

Figure 1: The PubMed Clinical Queries interface has been updated to support user-friendly, efficient searching.

To search using Clinical Queries:

  1. Enter your search terms in the search bar.
  2. Adjust the Filter category and selected Filter(s) as needed.
  3. Changing filter settings will automatically search with the new filter applied, or you can use the Search button to manually run your search.
  4. Preview the first five results for your search on the Clinical Queries page.
  5. To view all results, click the link to "See all results in PubMed."

NLM is continuing to enhance the PubMed user experience based on usability testing, analytics, and feedback from users. Please write to the Help Desk with your comments and suggestions.

By Jessica Chan
National Center for Biotechnology Information


Don't forget these local tips for Ascension Wisconsin users:
  1. If you use the PubMed links on the Ascension Wisconsin Library pages, you'll tap into our full-text offerings.
  2. If we don't have it, you'll be able to easily order the article through Ascension Wisconsin Library Services.  Look for the Ascension Logo to tap into local access.  
  3. We have a PubMed Search Tips page with helpful tips and tutorials.  
Questions or comments, contact Your Ascension Wisconsin Librarians: 
 Michele Matucheski        Kellee Selden


This article first appeared in the NLM Technical Bulletin on July 20, 2021.  It is reprinted here courtesy of the US National Library of Medicine.

Chan J. PubMed Update: Clinical Queries Usability Study and Interface Updates. NLM Tech Bull. 2021 Jul-Aug;(441):e3.   Link to article.  

Saturday, July 24, 2021

New eBook: Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing 6th ed.

Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing - 6th ed. - by The Oncology Nurse Society (ONS)  (c2020)  

Ascension Wisconsin Library Services purchased online access to the NEW nursing eBook listed above.
Follow the direct links to take a look, or bookmark them for future reference.

  • We have a single user license through Ebsco eBooks.  This allows you to look at it as a reference book as needed.  You can also check it out for a limited period of time.  Be aware that when it is checked out, it will not be available for other people to use--similar to a print book being checked out.  For more information, see  Ebsco eBooks Tips.

You can access this book (and many others) anytime through our AW Library Catalog  or the A-Z List.

They are also linked in context on the respective LibGuides as noted above.

* Questions about access, contact your Ascension Wisconsin Librarians

 Michele Matucheski        Kellee Selden

Friday, July 23, 2021

Nurses Choice Recommended Reading - July 2021

July 2021

See what your fellow nurses are reading! Browse this month's round-up of 10 top articles from Lippincott's prestigious list of nursing journals. 
JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration

Pressure Injury Prevention Knowledge Among Family Caregivers of
Patients Needing Home Care

Home Healthcare Now, July/August 2021

Factors Associated with Perceived Insufficient Milk
in the First Three Months of Breastfeeding

MCN, The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing, July/August 2021

Posttraumatic stress disorder in nurses caring for patients with COVID-19
Nursing2021, July 2021

Understanding cardiac arrest medications
Nursing made Incredibly Easy!, July/August 2021

What would Florence do?
Nursing Management, July 2021

Automated Fall and Pressure Injury Risk Assessment Systems:
Nurses' Experiences, Perspectives, and Lessons Learned

CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, June 2021

Differential Diagnosis of Low Hemoglobin
Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, July/August 2021

A Call Light Responsiveness Program
Journal of Nursing Care Quality, July/September 2021

A Practical Guide to the Implementation of Bedside Report in a Critical Care Setting
Critical Care Nursing Quarterly, July/September 2021

APRNs' controlled substance prescribing and readiness following Florida legislative changes
The Nurse Practitioner, June 2021

* Questions about access, contact your Ascension Wisconsin Librarians
 Michele Matucheski        Kellee Selden

Friday, July 16, 2021

Farewell to the Northern Region of Ascension Wisconsin


Farewell to the Northern Region of Ascension Wisconsin.  It has been my pleasure serving as your Medical Librarian, since 2012 when Affinity merged with Ministry Health Care.  I'm am glad to have accompanied you on the journey this far.
Thank you for your dedication and compassion in taking care of our patients and associates all this time.   That work will continue ...

Although I am sad to see you go, rest assured that Aspirus has an excellent Health Science Library and Medical Librarian who will continue to serve your knowledge and information needs after the transition.   You'll be in good hands!  Let me introduce you ...

Your Apsirus Medical Librarian is: 

Jan Kraus

Director, Library & Continuing Medical Education

& Professional Development (CME/CPD) & MOC

Aspirus, Inc. | Ph. 715-847-2184 |

The Aspirus Medical Library

We realize that transitions like this are complicated, and they take time.   Please be aware that it may take additional time to re-work Aspirus licenses for online access to cover all the new sites.  

Until the transition is final, feel free to contact me for articles and/or research, or use the Ascension Library pages until your access officially switches to Aspirus.

Your Ascension Wisconsin Medical Librarian,

Michele Matucheski, MLS, AHIP

May we meet again someday ...

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

PubMed Update: Improvements to Email, Cite, and Save/Email/Send To

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) is continuing to enhance the PubMed user experience based on usability testing, analytics, and feedback from users.

Recent PubMed updates include emailing up to 1,000 citations, saving your most recently used Cite format as a preference, and convenient access to the Save/Email/Send to buttons.

Email up to 1,000 citations

You can now email up to 1,000 citations at a time (increased from 200). Batches of more than 200 citations will be divided into multiple emails, the subject line for each email will include a label indicating [1 of 5], [2 of 5], etc., and results are numbered continuously across emails.

Cite button remembers your citation style preference

Using the Cite button for an item opens a pop-up window where you can copy the citation formatted in four popular styles, with NLM style selected by default (see Figure 1). Changing the citation format to a different style will now be remembered as a preference until your browser data and cookies are cleared.

Please ensure that your browser and provider/institution allow cookies and other browser data for your customized settings to be remembered between visits. See "Cookies" in the PubMed User Guide for more information about how cookies are used and steps to troubleshoot common issues.

Figure 1: Change the Cite button citation style format using the drop down menu.

Improved workflow for Save, Email, and Send to

The Save, Email, and Send to buttons are now available to use from anywhere on the Search Results and Clipboard pages. After selecting one or more items, the Save, Email, and Send to buttons will appear at the top of your browser window (see Figure 2). Clearing selected items or returning to the top of the page will hide this interface.

Figure 2: The Save, Email, and Send to buttons appear after selecting one or more items.

By Jessica Chan
National Center for Biotechnology Information

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

The Mercy and CSM Physical Libraries are Open Again

As the pandemic winds down, we wanted to let you know that the Health Science Libraries at Mercy and Columbia-St Mary's are back up, running, and staffed.  We are once again working on site to support YOU in making informed health care decisions.

Regular Business Hours:
8 am - 4-30 pm Monday - Friday

After Hours:
Mercy and CSM Associates have 24 hours access to the physical Library with a key fob on the admin side.   Or show Security your employee badge and they'll let you in after hours.

As always, the Ascension Wisconsin Intranet Library pages are available 24/7, along with all our databases and online resources. 
  • Computers away from busy patient care areas - Great for checking email and doing mandatory online training when you don't want to be disturbed.
  • Quiet study areas.
  • The Library is a great place to take a break and "chill out" before or after a shift. 
  • Print / Fax / Copy / Scan
  • "Free" access to nearly 10,000 ejournals via our subscriptions
  • Stay up-to-date with new issue alerts to your favorite professional ejournals - New issues come to you via email, complete with links to fulltext.  
  • Request Articles
  • Free Interlibrary Loan service to articles and books for which we don't already have online access
  • Access quality drug info, calculators and tools.
  • Free training on how to use the Library research databases like PubMed and Cinahl
  • Library Research and  Expert Searching by
  • Your friendly Medical Librarian who is always happy to see you!

Michele and Kellee are available to serve ALL Ascension Wisconsin associates no matter where you live and work.  

Your Ascension Wisconsin Medical Librarians, 
Michele Matucheski, MLS, AHIP
Medical Library at Ascension Mercy Hospital

Kellee Selden, MLIS
Medical Library at Columbia St Marys Hospital