Monday, March 11, 2024

Using the New AW Library Website: Find Fulltext Articles Fast with PMID or DOI and Citation Matcher

The Citation Matcher can be found on our NEW AW Library home page.

The Citation Matcher is an exact article finder. 

The Citation Matcher can be used when searching for a specific article and requires enough information to locate it accurately. 

If you know DOI (digital object identifier)  or PMID (PubMed ID number) of an article you are searching, you can enter that code into the Citation Manager search box  or you can expand Citation Matcher, and enter Title, Author, Journal, etc. 

Once you have entered enough information to uniquely identify one single article, select Match to bring up the result. You will be presented with a window offering you various methods of accessing the item.

Clicking on any of the Read Article links will bring you to a page from which you can access the full text of the item. In the event the full-text article is not available, you may be prompted to complete and submit a Document Delivery form to request access.

Learn more about using the new AW Library website.

See also: Anatomy of a Citation

Questions or comments, contact Your Ascension Wisconsin Librarians

 Michele Matucheski        Kellee Selden

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