Your Ascension Wisconsin Librarians are still working remotely, supporting our Health Care Heroes during the pandemic.
Monday, April 26, 2021
The AW Library Newsletter April 2021 - Remote Access to Library Resources - CK Content Updates - 4 New Nursing eBooks - Nurses Choice - Fully Vaccinated - End-of-Life - MyPlate
Friday, April 23, 2021
What AW Library Resources are available Remotely?
Royalty-free image from VectorStock.
Question: What AW Library resources are available remotely?
Try OpenAthens Single SignOn for remote access.
> This is the option that may replace all other options below.
Option 1: VPN or Citrix
If you can get VPN (ie FortiClient) or Citrix access through AIT, this will be the most seamless option to using ALL our library resources at home. That said, we know that VPN access is not an option for all associates. If the VPN doesn't work for you, try Citrix.
Option 2: Personal Accounts
Several (not all) AW Library resources are available to our associates at home or as mobile apps. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer a single sign-in to simplify the process. The alternate method often requires signing up for personal accounts for each resource and keeping track of additional usernames and passwords.
Below is a short list of Library Resources that are available to AW staff at home (or otherwise away from Ascension worksites), along with information about signing up for remote access.
- AccessMedicine
- AccessMedicine Search Tips
- Set up an AccessMedicine User Profile (Personal Account)
- Nursing Reference Center Plus
- PubMed is freely available to anyone with internet access.
- However you won't be able to access the majority of our AW subscribed fulltext ejournals without being onsite or using the VPN.
- PubMed Search Tips
See the Mobile Apps Library Guide for more info. about specific resources.
- Lexicomp Drug Reference
- LexiComp Search Tips
- Download the LexiComp Mobile App
- Cinahl (Nursing & Allied Health)
- Ovid Medline and Fulltext Journals
Visit Ascension Wisconsin Library Services for more info.
Updated 11 February 2025.
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
New Nursing eBooks
Ascension Wisconsin Library Services purchased online access to the following NEW nursing eBooks through the R2 Digital Library.
You can also access these (and many others) anytime through our AW Library Catalog or the A-Z List.
Gail Wilkes, MS, RN, Margaret Barton-Burke, PhD, RN, FAAN
Jack Jallo, MD, PhD, David Slottje, MD
Karen Wambach, PhD, RN, IBCLC, FILCA, FAAN, Becky Spencer, PhD, RN, IBCLC
Michele Matucheski and Kellee Selden
Monday, April 19, 2021
10 Things Fully Vaccinated People Need to Know
Saturday, April 17, 2021
NNLM Reading Club Selections: 3 Books on the End-of-Life
NNLM Reading Club Selections: End of Life
It’s difficult to talk about, even scary. Important things usually are. And deciding what to do about that transition between life and death – how to make it more comfortable, what to do afterwards – is so very important, to our loved ones and ourselves. It involves issues not only of health, but of spirituality, compassion and trust.
Whether your focus of concern is on a family member or yourself, NNLM Reading Club suggests three books that may help with your understanding of end-of-life matters and those conversations you probably have been putting off.
We encourage you to take a deep breath, read one of these books, and discuss it with people whose opinions you respect, especially those in your own family. It just might make you feel a whole lot better about the inevitable.
Visit the NNLM Reading. Club: End of Life health topic to get started.
The 3 recommended books are:
1) Can't We Talk about Something More Pleasant?
2) The Five Invitations: Discovering what Death can Teach Us about Living Fully
3) The Unwinding of the Miracle
Friday, April 16, 2021
Nurses Choice Recommended Reading - April 2021
- If you are working remotely, be sure that you are signed in on your local VPN.
- Our access depends on our IPs, which is the only way the vendors know you fall under our subscriptions. Even if you are working from home, you need to appear to be coming from behind our AW firewalls to access AORN and other Library resources.
- If you are on site, it should be no problem.
Thursday, April 15, 2021
So You Got Vaccinated Against Covid19-- Now What?: You’ve done your part to protect yourself, your loved ones and your community. What can you do now?
This article from Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan gives the skinny on what you can and can't do just yet ...
First of all, before anything else: Be proud.
Breathe easier.
Walk or sit taller.
Let go of some of the worry that’s lurked in the back of your mind for the past year.
Pat yourself on the back (if you just got vaccinated in the last day or two, you may need to use the arm that your shot didn’t go into…).
Accept the silent thanks of health care providers, who are caring for new, mostly younger, COVID-19 patients who caught the virus and got seriously ill before they could get vaccinated.
Now that you’ve done all that, here are seven practical tips for living your post-vaccinated life:
- Remember that vaccination is a journey.
- You can do things -- but not everything, yet.
- You've got a new forcefield around you--but it's not impenetrable.
- You can join the effort to track vaccine reactions.
- You can help those who are on the fence.
- You're spared the inconvenience of quarantining after an exposure.
- You can make up funny social media posts or play a fun game on Twitter.
Monday, April 12, 2021
The Viral TikTok that Explains mRNA Vaccine Science and Makes You Laugh
Reposted from NPR's Goats & Soda blog. Article by Joe Palca. April 1, 2021.
(No it's NOT April Fool's.)
"I've spent 30 years trying to make complicated science understandable. Explaining how vaccines work can be especially tricky. Explaining the new technology used in COVID-19 vaccines can be trickier still.
So my heart filled with joy and delight when I saw Vick Krishna's TikTok explaining how the vaccines made by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna work. So simple. So straightforward. So well done."
Friday, April 9, 2021
Clinical Key Content Updates - April 2021
The content of Clinical Key is constantly being updated. Here are the highlights for April 2021. |
Updated Clinical Overviews – Selected Topics
Books Added – CK Global
- Age-Related Macular Degeneration (Li, Weiye) 1st ed; ISBN: 9780128220610; Package/Collection: Ophtalmology; New to CK;
- Atlas of Pediatric Laparoscopy and Thoracoscopy (Bishoff, Jay T.) 2nd ed; ISBN: 9780323694346; Package/Collection: Surgery Extended; New to CK;
- Atlas of Spinal Imaging (Louie, Philip K.) 1st ed; ISBN: 9780323761116; Package/Collection: Radiology Extended; New to CK;
- Bradley and Daroff’s Neurology in Clinical Practice (Jankovic, Joseph) 8th ed; ISBN: 9780323642613; Package/Collection: Neurology; New edition (replaces 9780323287838);
- Clinical Cases in Uveitis (Sandhu, Harpal S.) 1st ed; ISBN: 9780323695411; Package/Collection: Ophthalmology; New to CK;
- Clinical Diagnosis in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (Nori, Subhadra) 1st ed; ISBN: 9780323720847; Package/Collection: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation; New to CK;
- Complications in Endovascular Surgery (Dryjski, Maciej L.) 1st ed; ISBN: 9780323554480; Package/Collection: Surgery Extended; New to CK;
- Cornea (Mannis, Mark J.); 5th ed; ISBN: 9780323672405; Package/Collection: Ophthalmology; New edition (replaces 9780323357579);
- Distal Radius Fractures (Jupiter, Jesse); 1st ed; ISBN: 9780323757645; Package/Collection: Orthopedics Extended; New to CK;
- Fuhrman and Zimmerman’s Pediatric Critical Care (Zimmerman, Jerry J.); 6th ed; ISBN: 9780323672696; Package/Collection: Critical Care Medicine; New edition (replaces 9780323378390);
- Goodman’s Basic Medical Endocrinology (Holt, Elizabeth H.); 5th ed; ISBN: 9780128158449; Package/Collection: Flex Only; New to CK;
- Ham’s Primary Care Geriatrics (Warshaw, Gregg A.); 7th ed; ISBN: 9780323721684; Package/Collection: Family Medicine; New edition (replaces 9780323089364);
- Handbook of Cancer Treatment-Related Toxicities (Velcheti, Vamsidhar); 1st ed; ISBN: 9780323672412; Package/Collection: Hematology, Oncology & Palliative Medicine; New to CK;
- Medical Genetics (Jorde, Lynn B.); 6th ed; ISBN: 9780323188357; Package/Collection: Medical Education Extended; New edition (replaces 9780323597371);
- Mosby’s Dental Drug Reference (Jeske, Arthur H.); 13th ed; ISBN: 9780323779364; Package/Collection: Dentistry; New edition (replaces 9780323481113);
- Physical Diagnosis Secrets (Mangione, Salvatore); 3rd ed; ISBN: 9780323263368; Package/Collection: Medical Education Extended; New edition (replaces 9780323034678);
- Pickwell’s Binocular Vision Anomalies (Evans, Bruce J.W.); 6th ed; ISBN: 9780
- Pocket Companion to Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology (Hall, John E.); 14rd ed; ISBN: 9780323640077; Package/Collection: Flex Only; New edition (replaces 9781455770069);
- Psychotic Disorders (Veras, André Barciela); 1st ed; ISBN: 9780323683098; Package/Collection: Psychiatry; New to CK;
- A Rational Approach to Clinical Infectious Diseases (Temesgen, Zelalem); 1st ed; ISBN: 9780323695787; Package/Collection: Infectious Disease; New to CK;
- Sabiston Textbook of Surgery (Townsend, Courtney M.); 21st ed; ISBN: 9780323640626; Package/Collection: Surgery Essentials; New edition (replaces 9780323299879);
- Sports Vision (Erickson, Graham B.); 2nd ed; ISBN: 9780323755436; Package/Collection: Ophthalmology; New to CK;
- Stroke (Grotta, James C.); 7th ed; ISBN: 9780323694247; Package/Collection: Neurology; New edition (replaces 9780323295444);
- Zika and Other Neglected and Emerging Flaviviruses (Beltz, Lisa A.); 1st ed; ISBN: 9780323825016; Package/Collection: Infectious Disease; New to CK;
Journals Added – CK Global
- Human Nutrition & Metabolism; ISSN: 26661497; Package/Collection: Gastroenterology & Hepatology; New to CK;
- Journal of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry; ISSN: 26672960; Package/Collection: Psychiatry; New to CK;
- Transplantation and Cellular Therapy; ISSN: 26666367; Package/Collection: Hematology, Oncology and Palliative Medicine; New to CK;
Books Removed – CK Global
- Cohen’s Pathways of the Pulp (Hargreaves, Kenneth) 11th ed; ISBN: 9780323096355; Package/Collection: Dentistry.
- Diagnostic Imaging for the Emergency Physician (Broder, Joshua) 1st ed; ISBN: 9781416061137; Package/Collection: Emergency Medicine.
- Gray’s Clinical Neuroanatomy: The Anatomic Basis for Clinical Neuroscience (Mancall, Elliott) 1st ed; ISBN: 9781416047056; Package/Collection: Flex Only.
- Imaging Painful Spine Disorders (Czervionke, Leo) 1st ed; ISBN: 9781416029045; Package/Collection: Radiology Extended.
- Neuromuscular Ultrasound (Walker, Francis) 1st ed; ISBN: 9781437715279; Package/Collection: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.
- Pathology of the Lungs (Corrin, Bryan) 3rd ed; ISBN: 9780702033698; Package/Collection: Pathology Extended.
- Pediatric Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease (Wyllie, Robert) 5th ed; ISBN: 9780323240994; Package/Collection: Gastroenterology & Hepatology.
- Practical Perioperative Transesophageal Echocardiography (Sidebotham, David) 2nd ed; ISBN: 9780702034275; Package/Collection: Anesthesiology.
- Textbook of Orthopaedics, Trauma and Rheumatology (Luqmani, Raashid) 2nd ed; ISBN: 9780723436805; Package/Collection: Flex Only.
- Whiplash: Evidence Base for Clinical Practice (Sterling, Michele) 1st ed; ISBN: 9780729539463; Package/Collection: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.
Thursday, April 1, 2021
MyPlate is for Everyone
Healthy eating is important at every stage of life. MyPlate offers a framework about the importance of foods and beverages rich in nutrients to help make every bite count.
The simplicity of MyPlate makes it a versatile and flexible tool for everyone to follow.
Created to be used in various settings and adaptable to meet
- personal preferences
- cultural foodways
- traditions
- and budget needs. is based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025.