The default option for remote access to AW Library Resources is via VPNs, however, that option may be problematic for some people.
If the Ascension regional / national VPNs are locking you out of AW Library resources, you are not alone. One possible solution is to use Citrix for remote access.
Look for a shortcut on your desktop for Citrix.
Mine looks like the one above. Yours may say WIGLE or WIMIL.
Log in with your usual network credentials.
Once you log in, you should see a number of shortcuts on the Citrix desktop.
It may look something like this:
There should be a shortcut for Library Services. As I understand it, the Citrix servers have more stable IPs that make using Library Resources more reliable for remote work, than the VPNs -- which work fine for most things, but not authentication for Library resources.
If you don't have a Citrix shortcut on your desktop, you can use the direct urls:
Contact the AIT Help Desks for additional assistance for remote access.
Michele Matucheski Kellee Selden